Today is a walk in the park

Lana Schultz
2 min readOct 23, 2020

I know it’s a cliché. But that doesn’t make it less true.

It may also be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Today I have things in order, an outline, a plan. Mise en place for life. I couldn’t operate without it.

Luckily for me, I’m officially a pandemic unemployed chef. Now I only have to worry about my real life being together, as opposed to my real life + my work life. Kids with swim practice 3 times a week? No problem. Cleaning slimy fish tanks right before dinner because someone was crying about a comatose fish? Cake walk. Being a regular Cinder-fucking-rella with the house-wifey stuff? Please.

All of that is a total breeze compared to when I used to do the above and simultaneously prepare for a work day which may or may not consist of a 1,400 person event in Central Park with 3 plated courses and passed hors d’oeuvres.

Sure I miss my work family. I miss the action of cooking 600 racks of lamb to perfection in the basement of the New York Public Library with nothing more sophisticated than aluminum boxes and sterno. I miss timing my serve out for that said lamb to see if 5 lines of 120 plates will be under 22 minutes.

But today I am choosing to fully embrace this new low key lifestyle. The mise en place for life has just been cut down significantly, and that may not be a…



Lana Schultz

Do you have a boat? I want a boat.